The Ladies’ Library Association (LLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors. The Board includes an Executive Committee made up of officers elected by the membership, chairs of standing committees, a parliamentarian, and the immediate past president.
The Board represents the membership of the LLA and oversees daily operations. This includes managing its finances, supporting community outreach efforts, and keeping our historic building accessible and available to the public.
The LLA is governed by Bylaws and Policies. A link to the “Bylaws” is at the top of this page. Members receive an annual Yearbook containing a member directory and a list of all committees and special interest groups. Program information is announced in bimonthly newsletters and periodic email communiqués. A link to the “Member Only Calendar” is at the top of this page.
Refer to the annual Yearbook / Directory to find a committee or group chair to learn more information.