October 2, 2020 — That’s the date to join our virtual screening party for the new feature film made from Kalamazoo author Bonnie Jo Cambell‘s celebrated 2011 novel, Once Upon a River.
Tickets are $12. The Ladies’ Library Association is hosting this virtual event and will receive a portion of ticket sales!

One of TIME’s most anticipated film releases of 2020, Once Upon a River is the story of Native American teenager Margo Crane in 1970s rural Michigan. After enduring a series of traumas and tragedies, Margo sets out on an odyssey on the Stark River in search of her estranged mother. On the water, Margo encounters friends, foes, wonders, and dangers; navigating life on her own, she comes to understand her potential, all while healing the wounds of her past.
Written and directed by Haroula Rose, this midwestern gothic Americana story is, in the words of Jane Smiley for The New York Times, “an excellent American parable about the consequences of our favorite ideal, freedom.” Read Smiley’s review of the novel, Once Upon a River.
Facebook Live Q & A
The Ladies’ Library Association will host Bonnie Jo Campbell at the LLA for a question and answer session on October 1, at 1:00 pm. This is a chance for LLA members to submit questions to Bonnie Jo about the film adaption of her novel, the differences between the novel and the film, and the process of making a movie. If you aren’t familar with Facebook, you email questions for Bonnie Jo to LLA member Audrey Seilheimer, vintagemitten@gmail.com.

About Virtual Cinema
Virtual cinema is video-on-demand streaming film. The proceeds from your rental of the film Once Upon a River will be shared between Film Movement distribution and the Ladies’ Library Association as venue ticketing host. All ticket purchases throughout the U.S. help support local auditoriums and independent cinema.
After you purchase a ticket via our LLA Facebook page, you may watch the film on your computer, TV or mobile device for iOS or Android. Determine how you want to watch the movie, then follow these steps:
- Download the appropriate Film Movement Plus app.
- Open the app.
- Sign in using the email and password you used at time of your ticket purchase.
- Navigate to Library on the bottom of the page.
- Your film should be under the Purchases tab.
You can always watch on a regular web browser if you prefer. The link you receive at the time of purchase sends you straight to the movie on your computer or device!